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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Method 12 the FINAL ONE

I loved the Youtube tutorials in each section. They were short, creative and informative.

The information in each section is invaluable. I wish that A Dozen Way to Two Step would be available for future use. I won't be able to remember everything, but I would love to be able to refer back when we are ready to take the leap into new territory.

Everything was great. Wish I could spend more time with everyting.

Method 11

I loved looking at the Podcasting libraries and seeing everything that libraries are doing. I really wanted to listen to the Cheshire Public Library podcast focusing on teens, but my computer had it blocked. I'll try at home. Podcasting opens up a whole new world. Some patrons respond more to verbal instruction and information, so this could be the way to go with them.

Method 10

Well I learned about Wiki's a while back in my Small Library Management class. We were shown how to look up our town on Wikipedia and add a Wiki about our library. Tha was really really COOL!

What I found interesting was looking at all the library wiki's like for the ALA convention and different libraries. I'm not sure I really understand why to use a wiki instead of something else except that we can all post comments or change the wiki.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Method 9

I have used instant messaging several times in the past. Mainly I used it for communicating with other classmates when I was taking online classes at the University of Phoenix. Since classmates were from all over the Unites States and sometimes the world, instant messaging was the way for us to communicate with each other when we had group projects.

I can see the advantages of having IM on the webpage, but a library needs to be large enough to handle the number of messages they will receive and need to answer. My little library is not big enough for us to use this valuable tool.

Method 8

I have a personal facebook account and I love it. I have been in contact with old high school friends as well as relatives. Great way to share our lives.

Professionally, our library currently does not allow social networking sites, but we hope to change that by the end of the summer. When that happens, we can consider joining other libraries on facebook or twitter. Should be loads of fun!

I like what Stephenie Meyer did with her twilight series. Very creative marketing strategy. My husband has a small business and I think this may be the way to go.

Method 7

I found Delicious a very interesting site. I can see the advantages of being able to bookmark and retrieve bookmarks from any computer. I will no longer have to have my favorite book marks on every computer I use which is time consuming finding the exact site again. I also find it less time consuming to search using what others consider to be good sites with good info.

I will set up an account in the future when I have more time to really play around with the site.

Method 6

I picked this video because it was on the main page of the Youtube site and my husband told me that the performance was fabulous last night, but I missed it. Here it is:


I hope I did this right.

I like all the choices of video's... it is endless. I don't like the difficulty of viewing, too many stops and starts.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

RSS feeds "Method 4"

Well, I subscribed to 3 RSS feeds. Here they are:

CNN.com @ www.cnn.com
Dallas Fort Worth Weather @ www.dallasnews.com
Dallas News @ www.myfoxdfw.com

Dallas News is Fox4 Dallas, but there are no RSS feeds.
CNN has several stories
Dallas Ft. Worth Weather gives me feeds from dallasnews.com and there are lots of stories, not necessarily weather.