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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beyond A Dozen Ways to Two Step #12

This has been a long journey through the month of August and I was not sure I was going to make it. I hope these links will be available in the future because I will most certainly create a project with them.

Let's see... the most challenging for me was Prezi for the presentation portion. I just could not see to get the hang of this tool. The best were the survey, capture your screen and tell a story. I can really see the advantage of using these tools in the library for patrons to use. I have always thought of myself as being technology proficient, but I have really been challenged this month. I have learned new things that I will use, so a big THANK YOU for creating this technology journey for us.

Step 11

I have always wanted to create a survey. Out of the choices, I really liked SurveyMonkey. It was easy to sign up, easy to create and easy to post. I liked that I could choose a theme and it already had sample questions, so I just chose the ones I wanted for my event. This has been great fun! I took the survey myself and loved it! Here it is if you want to take a look:


Step 10

This step deals with online meetings and conferences of which I have attended many. The state library has offered a few and I believe NETLS. The ones I have attended before were on creating a disaster management plan I beleive and something else that I cannot recall. I have attended about four in the last two years.

I think online conferences are the way to go expecially if the conference is less than an hour long. I hope to attend many more online meetings and conferences in the future because they are more practical... no traveling, no gas, more like going green in the meeting arena. Attendee can get information and ask questions and listen to a variety of input.

Step 9

Wow!!! I love this step and will definately spend more time with this at a later date, but I am in a rush to get through everything by tomorrow so for now, I just have one cute little animation that I created from Animoto. Here is the link:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Step 8

I loved Screenr. I can see the advantage and fun that a library can have providing this kind of visual training for their patrons. I created a short screen shot of our library catalog, searching for a title, then by keyword. Here is my URL: http://www.screenr.com/user/sandyg.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Step 7

Well this has been an interesting step. I like the idea of doing an online presentation because of the lack of a thumb drive. Just pull up the url. I tried Prezi and had a really difficult time trying to figure everything out. I finally just put some words in there and made a path. It's pretty pathethic, but I need more time to spend on this on.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Step 6

I was given a Kindle for my birthday recently and I love it! I had not heard that Kindle was now allowing libraries to circulate their product and I am so excited! This is a major breakthough for smaller libraries that cannot afford to buy into Overdrive. I am anxious to find out more about this project and the possibilities for our library.

I was so also excited to read about the Gutenburg project with tons of free books. I have been worried about the state of libraries and our access to TexShare NetLibrary database. The Gutenburg project will be a site that I can recommend to others seeking their free services.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Step 5

I have been on LibraryThing and Goodreads before, but I can really see the potential to embracing these sites. Not only can we socially connect with others about books we love or would like to read, but as a librarian, we can see what others are saying about books and consider these for purchase.

I signed up with Goodreads and was given the test. Afterwards, I was linked to others who share my preference for books. Sweet!

I kind of agree with the author about LibraryThing. It's a little retro. I didn't know Shelfari was owned by Amazon. Is there nothing they won't do?

I will definitly bookmark these for future reference. I can see the fun of creating an online bookclub.

Step 4

This was an interesting step... I really enjoyed going to the different job searching/resume making sites. I did not know these resources were avaialble so this is a ++ for me.

VisualCV is awesome for someone who has the computer skills to build a resume from this site. People with limited computer skills would not be able to do it. Emurse looks like it may be easier.

Indeed.com and Career builder are good resources for jobs and had many listings for a variety of positions. Bixee was a little strange... Asian based businesses. I was not sure what exactly this site did... sourcing out Asians for American companies or something. I was unclear on this one. Tweetsmyjob is a good service for mobile technolgy users. I have been a member of Linkedin for some time and I do not see the benefits. I just keep getting asked to put someone on my list.

Step 3

The directions for creating a map must be from a newer software version than the one I have, so I had to improvise a bit to make it work. Our library had created a map once of some of the better restaurants so I had some experience with this. This time, I just created a map to our library, unpublished for now. I wasn't sure where to copy the link to, but anyway here is the link:


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Step 2

I learned about iGoogle a few years ago and still love playing the games that I put on my page. The gadgets are endless. I opened a Netvibes account and it is pretty cool. I changed my theme to "rainy day" because living in North Texas, I had forgotten what rain looks like. I also liked that the weather gadget was set for Paris, France. It's nice can cool there with a high of 61 degrees... they are so lucky!! Of course, if I was there I would crave the heat. I love Texas!! Just give us a break with the weather.

Step 1

Well it has been a long time, but I enjoyed reviewing my old blog and relearning how to manipulate and post information. So here we are again, 2nd time around.